Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Oct. 24th, 2011

1. Why is character the center pole of the leadership tent? Give an example of a leader in your life who has demonstrated character and how that affected you.

I think character is the center pole of the leadership tent because it is our potential. If we are looking at it from an eternal perspective, then our potential is eternal as well. Character can be our dedication in applying the various principles of honesty, integrity, and so forth. One person in my life who exemplifies being a leader showing character would be my mother. She is a very strong woman who knows who she is and why she is here. I think together, her and my father, did an excellent job of teaching us as children who we are and that we are always trying to live up to our divine potential. It has affected me in many ways; because of her example, I know that I don't need to compromise my values or compromise who I am as a daughter of God to be successful or happy, but in fact all happiness and success can actually be attributed to being true to who I am and all that I can be. 

2. Share one or two things from the lesson that impacted you personally.  Why? How will you apply it to your life?

I loved that the focus was on being true to our divine self and focusing on that as our goal. This is something that I am passionate about, I think so many people struggle and fall because they lack an understanding of who they are and where they came from. Actually, the moment that I understood this was in my 3rd year at Girls Camp in Portland, OR, and was how I gained my testimony and passion for the gospel. Because of this knowledge, and knowing my relationship with the Lord, I have the faith that I need to go forth and accomplish all that Heavenly Father has in store for me to do. I have confidence in who I am, I'm a daughter of God, and I know that He loves me and knows all that I can be. I know that I can turn to Him in my hour of need and He will help me. 
Now with this knowledge, I know it for myself, and it's my opportunity and responsibility to help other people see and understand that as well. As I'm learning more about the gospel every day, I've recently understood that the gospel of Jesus Christ is about people. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is about people. We learn things for ourselves, we make sacred covenants for ourselves, and then we turn around and teach and help others. I've always known that, but recently it hit me, and I REALLY think I've begun to understand that. 

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