Monday, November 7, 2011

October 31st 2011

1)      Share one personal experience where you have seen the Technical/Professional Expertise leadership competency in action.
-One personal experience where i've seen a lot of technical expertise in leadership is with Jeff Whitlock. I've had various questions about social media, and he is very knowledgeable about that area and is a great resource for networking. 
2)      Share one personal experience where you have applied skills from the Solves Problems and Analyzes Issues leadership competency.
I think that this is one area of life and leadership that I am good at and do naturally. I'm very analytical and I'm always trying to problem solve and be better and make things better. With BYUSA specifically I've researched and been very analytical of the "Experience More" branding campaign, and my area responsibilities in general. Our current branding campaign is targeted on solving the problem of a misperception of the individuals involved in BYUSA. 

3)      How does innovation apply to your specific responsibilities?  How do you show support of innovation in others?
Innovation plays a part in my responsibilities because there are new ways to do things. There are new branding campaigns, ways to advertise BYUSA and get our name out there. I support the innovation in others and their responsibilities in helping them think outside the box and consider things that haven't been done before. 

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