Monday, November 28, 2011

Nov. 21st 2011

1) Give an example of a time in your life when you've seen successful teamwork or collaboration in action. What can you learn from that example that you can apply today?
-I love answering these questions, because I get to think about my past projects and things that I've done. With working at the library we had the opportunity to work on film projects. I love working on a film because in order to be successful you HAVE to be organized, efficient, productive, and reliable. No if's, and's or but's, otherwise you just wasted a lot of money, time, and personal connections. It's very much a survival of the fittest sort of field, and I love that kind of environment.
The reason that teamwork in film making works, is because everyone knows what their job is. The definitions are clear cut and there is no confusion. You know exactly what you need to do in pre-production to prepare for production, and everyone is in the know all the time. You have to clearly communicate messages to many different people, and in different ways. There is an established hierarchy that all of the crew members are required to follow, which allows for everyone to do their job most effectively. Another aspect that makes it so successful, and in my mind one of the most important aspects, is the big picture. Film making is hard, and it's tiring, and you love it and hate it all the time, but what keeps you going is working on a project that you care about. Everyone on the team is motivated to accomplish their work, whether it's for money, or the sake of the project, or the networking that comes from that. Either way, people are motivated to complete their tasks and do the best job possible. I love film making =).
I can apply these aspects to my team by helping people see the big picture, communicating clearly and effectively, helping motivate people to get results.

2) What challenges do you face with teamwork/collaboration and how can you overcome them?

-I think any team faces the challenge of communication. It just so happens that the Communications area in BYUSA happens to struggle the most with communication I feel like. Thinking about this gives me a headache. . Adrian's training from adventure experience does a good job of demonstrating how we should communicate with each other I feel. We can overcome poor communication by checking up with people, and checking in. It's better to over-communicate than under communicate to people.

1 comment:

  1. Olivia, so what will you personally do to improve communication in our area?
