Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sept. 26th, 2011

 1.  In your own words, briefly describe the "servant leadership" model we discussed in class.
-The servant leadership model we discussed in class is about leaders being servants first, and seeking to do the will of the Father before seeking to do our own will. 
   2.  Identify someone with whom you have been personally acquainted and who exemplifies the concept of servant leadership.  Briefly describe the leadership/life style of this person(s).
-Someone that I am personally acquainted with who exemplifies this, is a man named Bob. Bob was our families home teacher growing up;  his family was the first I ever babysat when I turned 12, and their family was always very active in the church. I'm not sure how successful Bob was or has been in his career, but I know that he served so selflessly in the church and was/is blessed for that. I remember him always being very involved in the Young Men's program, and just always so willing to do whatever was needed. I remember that they didn't ever have crazy extravagant luxuries, but he drove a junky red car with a busted handle on the passengers door (I LOVED this car, I thought it was so cool), but his family was always happy and willing to serve and do what was needed. Bob is someone that I respect, knowing he held leadership positions in the church, and knowing his family and their attitude towards life and service. 
   3.  Some argue that a servant leader will not have much success in his/her career because they will give too much attention to others and too little consideration of their own professional advancement.  How would you counter this argument?

All throughout the scriptures, there are countless examples of the Lord's people being promised that if they keep the commandments, they shall prosper in the land. We are commanded to serve those around us, to be instruments in the Lord's hands- to do that which he cannot do himself here on the earth. If we neglect serving and thinking of others, we will not prosper and the Lord will not see it fit to bless us with earthly gifts if we are not first seeking to build up the kingdom of God. 

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