Friday, July 15, 2011


I volunteer because of my testimony of service. I think serving is important and valuable, and it can help to bless the lives of others. I can be a helping hand to others, and volunteering is an avenue that I have to put that thought and testimony into action and really make a difference.

I personally can make BYU a more Zion-like community by smiling- for the past couple of months i've heard comments similar to, "Whoa, it can't be that bad today!" (referring to my intense thinking face that I have when I walk and am thinking about stuff) and I would always reply with a smile and assure them that there was nothing wrong and that is just how my face looks when I think! After having had a couple of those experiences I decided that I wanted to display my happiness and energy all the time and not let anyone have the opportunity to think i'm not happy and grateful for life, when I completely am! This goal I think makes a difference, it's a small one but I feel like it can help make someone's day better.

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