Monday, November 28, 2011

Nov. 21st 2011

1) Give an example of a time in your life when you've seen successful teamwork or collaboration in action. What can you learn from that example that you can apply today?
-I love answering these questions, because I get to think about my past projects and things that I've done. With working at the library we had the opportunity to work on film projects. I love working on a film because in order to be successful you HAVE to be organized, efficient, productive, and reliable. No if's, and's or but's, otherwise you just wasted a lot of money, time, and personal connections. It's very much a survival of the fittest sort of field, and I love that kind of environment.
The reason that teamwork in film making works, is because everyone knows what their job is. The definitions are clear cut and there is no confusion. You know exactly what you need to do in pre-production to prepare for production, and everyone is in the know all the time. You have to clearly communicate messages to many different people, and in different ways. There is an established hierarchy that all of the crew members are required to follow, which allows for everyone to do their job most effectively. Another aspect that makes it so successful, and in my mind one of the most important aspects, is the big picture. Film making is hard, and it's tiring, and you love it and hate it all the time, but what keeps you going is working on a project that you care about. Everyone on the team is motivated to accomplish their work, whether it's for money, or the sake of the project, or the networking that comes from that. Either way, people are motivated to complete their tasks and do the best job possible. I love film making =).
I can apply these aspects to my team by helping people see the big picture, communicating clearly and effectively, helping motivate people to get results.

2) What challenges do you face with teamwork/collaboration and how can you overcome them?

-I think any team faces the challenge of communication. It just so happens that the Communications area in BYUSA happens to struggle the most with communication I feel like. Thinking about this gives me a headache. . Adrian's training from adventure experience does a good job of demonstrating how we should communicate with each other I feel. We can overcome poor communication by checking up with people, and checking in. It's better to over-communicate than under communicate to people.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Nov. 14th 2011

What are some ways you can build integrity and trust with your team?
I think the best way for our team to build integrity and trust is through time. Providing our team with the time necessary to get to know each other and trust each other in a work environment is important. We also have to provide opportunities for our team to rely on each other and trust each other. I'm excited for our two hour area meeting today because I feel like we can help each other problem solve and brainstorm effective ways to improve our various endeavors in our area. I think in terms of building integrity with our team, I don't even know what that means in a team setting. Integrity to me means that regardless of who you are with or what you are doing, you act in a way that represents the best of who you are and the best ideals of your team. In applying that to our team, I think that maybe means that when we are with other areas or meetings, we can step outside of our own personal feelings or situations, and make sure that our decisions and actions meet the best interest of representing our team well. I think in order to build a sense of integrity with our team, we have to find our team meaningful in each of our lives. I think in order for us to each WANT to have integrity with our team, we need to love being a part of it and feel valuable. I think for our team there members who don't feel valued and appreciated as part of the team, which affects the group as a whole. If we can help each member of the team feel valued, they will be inspired to contribute to the team in more helpful ways, and act with integrity. 
In what ways do you make sure your team is in agreement with a project before moving forward?
I think with bigger projects, I really do care about what my team thinks of it. I definitely seek the opinion of my team before I spend a ton of time and energy on something. I brainstorm and come to them with an idea, and see what they think. If their opinions are positive, I move forward, if they are negative, I look at the problems and see if they need fixing, and then move forward.
What are a couple of creative ways you can communicate a new idea to your team?
The first thing that came to my mind was Carrie from the Stephen King movie... with the pigs blood or whatever. That isn't quite the tactic I think would be most effective, however I do think it will grab and hold attention. I think my team is receptive to new ideas, so I don't think anything out of the ordinary would necessarily be needed, but I'll consider it?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 7th, 2011

Q. In your opinion, what are the most important behaviors (as defined in your student manual) in getting results with a project or problem? Explain why you have chosen these and use specific personal examples to add merit to your claim.
- I think the most important behaviors in getting results would be 1. Planning and Organization 2. Having a Clear Vision of Desired Results 3. Having a Commitment to Quality 4. Anticipating Problems and 5. Acting Quickly.
1. Planning and organizing your event is very important because that is where you have the chance to create your attack plan (of sorts). You go through all of the options, look forward and anticipate problems, and have an organized approach in which you are trying to attain a desired vision. Organization and planning are huge because it helps keep your goal in mind and helps you be more prepared and on task. For example with Guitars Unplugged last year we sat down and planned everything that was going to happen. We organized the volunteer efforts and we hypothetically knew everything that was going to happen. This was great because there were few problems that unexpectedly arose.
2. Having a clear vision of desires results is important because you need to know what you're working for. If you have a fuzzy vision then you're not going to make strategic moves and decisions to help you get from point a to point b. You need to have a clear vision because that is how you will improve the quality of your final result, and the processes in how you get there. For example with dating to find a spouse, if you don't know what you're looking for, you will never find it. If you have a fuzzy idea of what you want, you will probably make good decisions to get there, but it won't be as clear cut of a process as it could be if your vision were crystal clear (all hypothetically of course... obviously.)
3. Having a commitment to quality is important in attaining results because you don't just want something done, you want it done well, or at least I do. We need to have standards of excellence, and stretching goals to help those we are over and ourselves achieve those goals. By being dedicated to high standards of excellence we are able to improve our own abilities, and help others enjoy the fruits of our labors. It won't be as meaningful if it wasn't a challenge for us. A commitment to quality is a challenge.
4. Anticipating problems in projects is important because it keeps you actively doing and actively aware of what is going on. In film production you HAVE to have a plan b and c BEFORE you start shooting your film, because on set, you can't move and fly from the seat of your pants on important decisions that affect the quality of your end result and the happiness of your cast and crew (with also indirectly affects the quality of your end result). You have to limited time, money, and people and any time you aren't prepared you put those 3 important things in jeopardy, and ultimately your end result.
5. Acting quickly is also important especially with foreseeing problems. Especially with film production, as a producer or director you need to be able to think on your feet; there are almost always small problems that come up that either need to be fixed or cut out of the filming process. You have to be able to think quickly about the significance of the issue and what it will affect and make a decision in seconds (because you have time, money, and people on the line. There isn't time for dillydallying).

Q. What are your personal strengths in getting results on projects or problems, and how can you use and implement them in your current leadership position to benefit your team?
-My personal strengths in getting results on projects or problems in previous experiences would probably be my ability to analyze and foresee problems as well as an attention to detail. I think I can use these skills to help the projects and tasks that I have stewardship over now. I can analyze problems and have an attention to detail which will help the end result be effective and worth our time, money, and resources used in achieving that result. That makes me a valuable asset to any team, I feel like.

Monday, November 7, 2011

October 31st 2011

1)      Share one personal experience where you have seen the Technical/Professional Expertise leadership competency in action.
-One personal experience where i've seen a lot of technical expertise in leadership is with Jeff Whitlock. I've had various questions about social media, and he is very knowledgeable about that area and is a great resource for networking. 
2)      Share one personal experience where you have applied skills from the Solves Problems and Analyzes Issues leadership competency.
I think that this is one area of life and leadership that I am good at and do naturally. I'm very analytical and I'm always trying to problem solve and be better and make things better. With BYUSA specifically I've researched and been very analytical of the "Experience More" branding campaign, and my area responsibilities in general. Our current branding campaign is targeted on solving the problem of a misperception of the individuals involved in BYUSA. 

3)      How does innovation apply to your specific responsibilities?  How do you show support of innovation in others?
Innovation plays a part in my responsibilities because there are new ways to do things. There are new branding campaigns, ways to advertise BYUSA and get our name out there. I support the innovation in others and their responsibilities in helping them think outside the box and consider things that haven't been done before.