Friday, July 15, 2011


I volunteer because of my testimony of service. I think serving is important and valuable, and it can help to bless the lives of others. I can be a helping hand to others, and volunteering is an avenue that I have to put that thought and testimony into action and really make a difference.

I personally can make BYU a more Zion-like community by smiling- for the past couple of months i've heard comments similar to, "Whoa, it can't be that bad today!" (referring to my intense thinking face that I have when I walk and am thinking about stuff) and I would always reply with a smile and assure them that there was nothing wrong and that is just how my face looks when I think! After having had a couple of those experiences I decided that I wanted to display my happiness and energy all the time and not let anyone have the opportunity to think i'm not happy and grateful for life, when I completely am! This goal I think makes a difference, it's a small one but I feel like it can help make someone's day better.


I will ensure that everyone is trained and held accountable for financial processes by allowing them the opportunity to be certified and help them in any way so they can know and understand the processes. I can also lead them to answers if they have difficult questions.

I think that the financial processes can help me manage my own finances because it makes sure that you plan ahead of time, and it means you are prepared and being proactive in your responsibilities. If I can keep on top of my finances, I can keep on top of my projects and deadlines!

Professionalism and Protocol

One experience that I have had with professionalism would be when I worked on the Greenburg and Steele campaign when they were running for BYUSA President and Ex. VP - there were so many experiences being apart of the campaign that were professional but in general, Ryan and Brittanie at every meeting were well prepared, prompt, and amiable when they had meetings. I loved working with them because I felt respected, and like I was a valuable part of their team.

I believe that organizations use protocol because it is an organized manner in which people can act and ensure that they represent the organization in the correct light. Without protocol, there is chaos and the branding of an organization can easily be misrepresented. It also helps ensure consistency and accuracy in programs, manners, and the displayed brand of an organizatin.

Divine-centered Leadership

My motive for service are the experiences that I have had with being served and the knowledge that I have of Jesus Christ and the example that he set. I'm grateful for the wonderful people that I have in my life who have been a stellar example of selfless service. Those examples have helped me and inspired me to be instruments in the hands of God and focus outside of my own problems and issues.

In class we talked about making "To-be" lists about the type of qualities that we want to possess and type of people we want to be. Here is a little "To-be" list of mine:


RACE prepares me to be a more successful leader because through using it, I can be more organized and more prepared to help others fulfill their duties. Organization is the key to success in my experience; the more organized and prepared you are, the more able you are to help others to succeed in their own endeavors.

I plan on using RACE for the "Give Back" campaign that we are starting, to promote awareness of the fact that BYU students are obligated to give back in some way to their university.

Friday, July 1, 2011

BYUSA Vision

If you think about it BYU should be one place that most resembles a Zion-like community; over 90% of the students here are Latter-day Saints who all believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ, we ALL sign the Honor Code, and promise to live our lives in accordance with specific standards of modesty, honesty, and integrity, and we have a duty to give back to this University that has given us so much.

Granted, not everyone believes in and is dedicated to the doctrine and teachings of Jesus Christ as much as the next person, but imagine if all 34,000 students on this campus gave 100% effort to doing their Visiting and Home Teaching each month. Imagine if everyone you sat next to in class became a friend. Imagine if we all decided to think a little more about others, rather than ourselves. Imagine if BYU campus felt a little more like Zion.

That is one reason why I'm grateful for the vision of BYUSA, it's purpose is to help create more of a Zion community here on campus. It's vision reads: "As part of a BYU education, the Student Service Association's vision is to be leaders centered on Jesus Christ, who contribute to the building of Zion communities which are united in heart and mind that there be no intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, or physically poor among us. "

I think my favorite part of the BYUSA vision and BYU's is the fact that we are taught these leadership principles and skills, not just for our lives now, but to help build up the kingdom our whole lives. We are here to learn, and will go forth and serve in our various career fields, spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through our words but more importantly, through the way we live our lives each day.


Now how do I apply this vision to my role in BYUSA? I think by having a selfless mindset- in our area we talked about how Communications this year is trying to enhance the lives of everyone involved, and portray the amazing activities and endeavors we spearhead in the best light possible. There are so many amazing things that people do within the organization that can get positive press, and really emphasize what BYUSA is all about. The focus needs to be outward, and not inward. Always thinking about how I can help others and the organization itself be the best it can be!