Judge Griffith spoke about the importance of remembering the "least" among us. Describe how you can apply this concept in your leadership role today in BYUSA. Also, describe how you intend to apply this focus on the "least" in the future as you serve in leadership roles.
I think the concept of remembering the least among us is one of the most essential principles of the gospel. Jesus in his ministry shows countless times, going after the one, and remember the least of those around us. We are to do the same in our lives; we are to seek out those who may be overlooked or trodden on, and lift them up and help them feel the love of our Savior. I can apply this concept in my leadership role today in BYUSA by being a good example, and seeking out the one in all of the different areas of my life. I am always a representative of BYUSA and I think one of my favorite experiences with being involved in BYUSA, is meeting people in class, meeting people in my ward, at random events, and they discover that I'm a part of BYUSA and they are surprised. I think we can all give BYUSA a great name by living virtuous lives and remembering the various organizations that we represent whether it's the Church, our families, or BYUSA. I can apply this to my life in the future by never taking people for granted, to listening to them, to being a shoulder to cry on, or a listening ear. I think the principle of service and charity, and serving the least of those around us, we are living up to our baptismal covenants, and I think the more of service, charity, and loving we can do in all the various areas of our lives, the happier we'll be.
It's very easy to consider yourself above another person because of social status, money, education etc. I think across all cultures the people that adults can learn the most from are children. The way the see the world is so different; it hasn't been bogged down by politics, expectations, finances, education, careers and so forth, and they have a much simpler time figuring out the things that matter most. I think we can take a page from their book, and treat people with kindness, be forgiving of the mistakes and misdeeds of others, and just love people unconditionally. We don't have to be perfect, we won't be, but each day is a new opportunity for us to get up and try again, and sometimes that's all it takes.
I loved the part where he talked about how we learn what the Lord has to tell us through speakers and lessons at church. I think it gave me a new perspective and has prompted me to pay a little more attention in church on Sundays; the more you put into learning, the more you will get out of it.